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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

How to Do Job Searching While Employed? Do and Don’t

If you are currently working, but you have reason to want another job, you are in luck. Job searching while employed is a difficult task. You must remember the disclaimer. Believe it or not, this is the most appropriate time for you to look for work. In addition to economic security, you also have on your side the bargaining power. It will allow you to reach an advantageous agreement during the proposals that arise and recruiters tend to opt for active professionals.

How to do job searching while employed?

You also have to be careful during the search and not put your current position at risk. If this is your situation, you need to consider how to look for work when you are working.

Ask for a raise

First, if you are determined to find another job, you should consider taking the opportunity to request a raise or a higher position. You have nothing to lose because in any way you prefer to look for something more suitable for you.

The interesting thing about trying this strategy is that if your boss agrees. It could give you a better position or raise your salary, which would make you earn without leaving the company. If he refuses, consider it the little push you need to find another job.

Update your CV

Regarding your curriculum, it must offer a good image of you to the company for which you apply. It should brief but contain what reveals the best of your skills and experience. Invest in this the time you need, which can take you to design several versions until you reach the final one.

Also, make these changes in the job portals in which you are registered online since the profiles. It has been recently updated are the ones that have the greatest visibility for recruiters.

Expand your training

On the other hand, as you have no pressure of any kind when you have a job. You can take advantage of this time to train in some skill, computer program or requirement that is usually in high demand in the positions that interest you. For example, you can improve your level of Photoshop, learn English or take an SEO course.

Social networks

Finally, remember that social networks are very useful to recruiters to check if your profile is the one for their job. You must configure your social accounts to improve your online presence, eliminating compromising photos or comments. It offers you a negative and unprofessional image.

It is also advisable to be registered on Linkedin and Facebook to be accessible to the human resources team: if you are not on the Internet, you do not exist.

Maximum discretion

When looking for another job while you already have one, it is necessary to be discreet and not publicly show this intention. So make sure you dedicate yourself to your activities, as usual, do not go to your work dressed for a job interview to avoid suspicion. Do not tell anyone in the environment that you are looking for another job. Complain about your current position or your boss during the interviews or proposals you make and do not look for a job or even go to interviews during working hours.

Do not look for work immediately

Never stop looking for it, even working. If you have been fired, immediately look for a new job, don’t wait a minute.

Do not tell everyone when you are looking for work

You have to tell every known person. It will be a good way to internalize and overcome it. And if you can explain in 1 minute, with hairs and signals, what kind of work you are looking for, you will have more chances of finding it.

Do not prepare job interviews well

You should not only read things about the company that is going to interview you, look at their social networks and those of the interviewers. Also prepare yourself emotionally: positive mind, proactive attitude and always, always, a smile. If you want some tips to prepare your interview, check out this webinar.

Do not enjoy this moment and learn

Enjoy this moment that life has given you, even if you have not chosen it. You learn from everything and the most difficult moments. It is a moment of personal and professional growth. Take the opportunity to think about what you would like to work on and put on an action plan.

Do not stop reading books

Perhaps there is nothing that enriches the mind more than a good read. My father said, “smart people learn from books, from the experiences of other people who have already been through the same.” Well, that! If you want, you can read «Josdeputaaa !!! I have been “cast!” That by chance, I am the author.

If you follow these instructions to the letter, bet you will get the job of your dreams!

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