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Friday, January 24, 2025

How to Cook Quail Eggs and Stay Healthy with Its Benefits

At the supermarket, sometimes, it happens to be in front of products that we would like to try but that we don’t know how to use in the kitchen: quail eggs are an example. Small and with the dotted shell, they tend to the little ones and create a curiosity for the older ones. In this guide, we want to suggest how to cook quail eggs and serve, so that next time, when you are faced with these tiny wonders. You will feel ready and prepared to experience their use in the kitchen.

Let’s start by saying that they are lighter and contain less cholesterol than their most famous cousins, chicken eggs. Also ideal for children because they strengthen the immune system, bring good humor and a strong sense of well-being.

In Asia, they are habitually consumed, they are found in every market and besides being eaten raw, they are combined with many ingredients. If the interior is cooked in any way, the outer shell is the object of extraordinary and meticulous works of art.

How to cook quail eggs and serve?

Follow our directions and you will discover that cooking quail’s eggs have never been so simple … and greedy!

Break the eggs

Break the eggs
Break the eggs

Do not think given its size, the quail egg is so simple to open. Its inner membrane is very hard and unless we are arm wrestling, we cannot open it at the first attempt. Even if strength is not the right solution, the strong sailor would only risk breaking the shell into a thousand pieces. The best way is to use a serrated knife with which to cut the outer shell in half and then open it by hand pressure. This method is valid both if the egg is already cooked and if it is still raw.

Calculate the amount

Calculate the amount

Another fundamental aspect before trying to use quail eggs in the kitchen, is the dosage, for whole pieces weighing 30 g only the inside without shell weights 10 g then calculate the right proportions. A hen’s egg corresponds to 5 quail eggs and can be used in the same way in the kitchen: boiled, boiled and soft-boiled. Logically the cooking times change. If you want to play soft enough just two minutes from the time of boiling, to make them hard, you will need 5 minutes.

Raw egg is good

raw quail egg

The Japanese population teaches us that the best way to eat quail’s egg is raw, with a pinch of salt and lemon. In this case, the risk of contracting salmonella is not incurred since the quail body temperature is higher than that of the hens, so the virus would be destroyed immediately. Furthermore, the quail egg has a more delicate flavor than the chicken one. Certainly, you will not have difficulty drinking it without adding other ingredients. The positive side, many using these eggs have found a clear improvement towards the allergies given by grass pollen. In them, there are small traces of barley, rye, corn and wheat that form a low-dose homeopathic therapy to counteract the effects of their action.

Quail egg pasta

Do you love pasta dishes and want to try making fresh pasta with quail eggs? No problem, for 500 g of flour use 12 quail eggs, enjoy putting them one by one in the center of the “fountain of flour” and mix until the dough is smooth and homogeneous. As with traditional egg pasta, let the dough ball rest for half an hour and then roll it out to make the size you want. Never put limits on your imagination. We can change even traditional recipes in a modern way with this little trick.

Nutritional values ​​of quail eggs

As we say, quail eggs stand out for their high protein content and low carbohydrate presence. They represent a great energy contribution, even greater than chicken eggs despite their obvious difference in size. In 100 grams of this food, we can find:

Nutritional values ​​of quail eggs

  • Calories: 155 kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 0.41 gr
  • Fat: 11.2 gr
  • Proteins: 13.05 gr
  • Cholesterol: 844 mg
  • Calcium: 64 mg
  • Phosphorus: 226 mg
  • Potassium: 132 mg

But, in addition to all this, quail eggs also contain vitamins A and B, choline, iron, iodine and magnesium.

Properties and benefits

Despite its small size the properties of quail eggs exceed 3 or 4 times those of chicken eggs. hey contain 13 percent protein compared to 11 percent of chicken eggs, 140 percent of vitamin B1 versus 50 percent of chicken eggs and provide five times more iron and potassium.

Another advantage of quail eggs in our diet is that, unlike chicken eggs, they are not known to cause allergies or diseases. The consumption of these eggs is highly recommended in the feeding of children and the elderly. Their high phosphorus and calcium content is essential for the growth and maintenance of bones and teeth.

Also, for the important contribution of proteins, which make their digestion easy and contribute to growth. As we have mentioned above, quail eggs provide much-needed vitamins for our body and its ovomucoid protein strengthens the immune system.

Vitamin A contributes to the formation of soft tissue and the maintenance of skin. Vitamin B helps us maintain the nervous system and promotes the formation of red blood cells in the blood.

They are a good source of iron, so their consumption is indicated in people with anemia. And although the level of cholesterol contained in quail eggs is high, studies show that it does not raise blood cholesterol.

They are the saturated fats of food and not cholesterol, dangerous to our health, and the egg has few saturated fats. We do find, among the fats contained in the egg, choline, which is an ally to prevent heart disease, gallbladder stones and to maintain a memory. We are therefore facing a complete food.

After having informed you about every aspect of the quail eggs, we also suggest how to read the traceability of the eggs, an operation that is not always simple and immediate.

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